Source code for matplotlib_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Ying Xiong.
# Created: Oct 28, 2014.

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def impixelinfo(ax=None, image=None): """Mimic Matlab's `impixelinfo` function that shows the image pixel information as the cursor swipes through the figure. Parameters ---------- ax: axes The axes that tracks cursor movement and prints pixel information. We require the `ax.images` list to be non-empty, and if more than one images present in that list, we examine the last (newest) one. If not specified, default to 'plt.gca()'. image: ndarray If specified, use this `image`'s pixel instead of `ax.images[-1]`'s. The replacement `image` must have the same dimension as `ax.images[-1]`, and we will still be using the `extent` of the latter when tracking cursor movement. Returns ------- None """ # Set default 'ax' to 'plt.gca()'. if not ax: ax = plt.gca() # Examine the number of images in 'ax'. if len(ax.images) == 0: print "No image in axes to visualize." return # Set default 'image' if not specified. if not image: image = ax.images[-1].get_array() # Get the 'extent' of current image. (left,right,bottom,top) = ax.images[-1].get_extent() # Re-define the 'format_coord' function and assign it to 'ax'. def format_coord(x, y): """Return a string formatting the `x`, `y` coordinates, plus additional image pixel information.""" result_str = "(%.3f, %.3f): " % (x, y) # Get the image pixel index. i = int(math.floor((y - top) / (bottom - top) * image.shape[0])) j = int(math.floor((x - left) / (right - left) * image.shape[1])) # Return early if (i,j) is out of boundary. if (i < 0) or (i >= image.shape[0]) or (j < 0) or (j >= image.shape[1]): return result_str # Get the pixel value and add to return string. if (len(image.shape) == 3) and (image.shape[2] == 4): # 4-channel RGBA image. result_str += "(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f)" % \ (image[i,j,0], image[i,j,1], image[i,j,2], image[i,j,3]) elif (len(image.shape) == 3) and (image.shape[2] == 3): # 3-channel RGB image. result_str += "(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)" % \ (image[i,j,0], image[i,j,1], image[i,j,2]) else: # Single-channel grayscale image. assert len(image.shape) == 2 result_str += "%.3f" % image[i,j] return result_str ax.format_coord = format_coord
[docs]def axes_equal_3d(ax=None): """Mimic Matlab's `axis equal` command. The matplotlib's command `ax.set_aspect("equal")` only works for 2D plots, but not for 3D plots (those generated with `projection="3d"`). Parameters ---------- ax: axes, optional The axes whose x,y,z axis to be equalized. If not specified, default to `plt.gca()`. """ # Set default 'ax' to 'plt.gca()'. if not ax: ax = plt.gca() # Get the mid-point and range for each dimension. def mid_and_range(lim): return (lim[0] + lim[1])/2.0, (lim[1] - lim[0]) x_mid, x_range = mid_and_range(ax.get_xlim()) y_mid, y_range = mid_and_range(ax.get_ylim()) z_mid, z_range = mid_and_range(ax.get_zlim()) # Set the range for each dimension to be 'max_range'. max_range = max(x_range, y_range, z_range) ax.set_xlim(x_mid - max_range/2.0, x_mid + max_range/2.0) ax.set_ylim(y_mid - max_range/2.0, y_mid + max_range/2.0) ax.set_zlim(z_mid - max_range/2.0, z_mid + max_range/2.0)
[docs]def implay(volume, fps=20, ax=None, **kw): """Play a sequence of image in `volume` as a video. Parameters ---------- volume: ndarray The video volume to be played. Its size can be either MxNxK (for single-channel image per frame) or MxNxCxK (for multi-channel image per frame). fps: int, optional The frame rate of the video. ax: axes, optional The axes in which the video to be played. If not specified, default to `plt.gca()`. **kw: key-value pairs Other parameters to be passed to `ax.imshow`, e.g. `cmap="gray"`, `vmin=0`, `vmax=1`, etc. """ if not ax: ax = plt.gca() num_frames = volume.shape[-1] for i in xrange(num_frames): ax.cla() ax.imshow(volume[...,i], **kw) plt.pause(1. / fps)
[docs]def tight_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plot_index, gap = 0.01, marg_h = 0.01, marg_w = 0.01, fig = None): """Add a tight subplot axis to the current (or a given) figure. Parameters ---------- num_rows, num_cols: int Number of rows / columns. plot_index: int The index to the subplot. gap: float between (0,1), optional The gap between axes, scalar or 2-tuple `(gap_h, gap_w)`. marg_h: float between (0,1), optional The margins in height, scalar or 2-tuple `(lower, upper)`. marg_w: float between (0,1), optional The margins in width, scalar or 2-tuple `(left, right)`. fig: Figure, optional Figure to which the new axes to be added to. Default to `plt.gcf()` if not specified. Returns ------- The newly added axes. """ if not hasattr(gap, "__len__"): gap = (gap, gap) if not hasattr(marg_h, "__len__"): marg_h = (marg_h, marg_h) if not hasattr(marg_w, "__len__"): marg_w = (marg_w, marg_w) if not fig: fig = plt.gcf() m = int(math.ceil(float(plot_index) / num_cols)) n = plot_index - (m-1) * num_cols height = float(1 - marg_h[0] - marg_h[1] - gap[0] * (num_rows-1)) / num_rows width = float(1 - marg_w[0] - marg_w[1] - gap[1] * (num_cols-1)) / num_cols bottom = marg_h[0] + (height + gap[0]) * (num_rows - m) left = marg_w[0] + (width + gap[1]) * (n - 1) return fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height))
[docs]def imshow(ax, img, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kw): """Enhance `ax.imshow` with coordinate limits. Parameters ---------- ax: axes The axes in which an image will be drawn. img: ndarray The 2D image to be drawn. xlim, ylim: 2-tuple, optional This will set the `extent` parameter of `ax.imshow`, which is relatively inconvenient to set directly because of the half-pixel issue. Default: `(0, num_cols-1)`, `(0, num_rows-1)`. **kw: key-value pairs Other parameters to be passed to `ax.imshow`. The `extent` will be ignored if presented. Returns ------- The `AxesImage` returned by `ax.imshow`. """ if not xlim: xlim = (0, img.shape[1]-1) if not ylim: ylim = (0, img.shape[0]-1) xmin, xmax = xlim ymin, ymax = ylim dx = float(xmax - xmin) / img.shape[1] dy = float(ymax - ymin) / img.shape[0] # Note the order: (left, right, bottom, top) kw["extent"] = (xmin-dx/2.0, xmax+dx/2.0, ymax+dy/2.0, ymin-dy/2.0) ax.imshow(img, **kw)
[docs]def draw_with_fixed_lims(ax, draw_fcn): """Perform plot without changing the `xlims` and `ylims` of the axes. Save the `xlim` and `ylim` of `ax` before a drawing action, and restore them after the drawing. This is typically useful when one first does an `imshow` and then makes some annotation with `plot`, which will change the limits if not using this function. """ xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() draw_fcn(ax) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim)